
About the 23 Things @ NEFLIN Project

This blog has been set-up as part of the 23 Things @ NEFLIN Program. The 23 Things encourage all of us to experiment and learn about the new and emerging technologies that are changing how information is used and created on the Internet today.

The 23 Things @ NEFLIN Program is a modification of the Learning 2.0 Program designed by Helene Blowers, Technology Director, Public Library of Charlotte & Mecklenburg County that was loosely based upon Stephen Abram's article 43 Things I (or You) Might Want To Do This Year (Information Outlook - February 2006) and the 43 Things website. We also used ideas from other libraries and library cooperatives who have implemented the Learning 2.0/23 Things concept.

23 Things @ NEFLIN will provide members an opportunity to jump into 2.0. We want you to share your ideas on how these tools can be used in your libraries. We will include many Web 2.0 tools in this program, including Blogger, Flickr, YouTube, and PBWiki - which we learned as we went. …and did we mention there will be prizes! We hope you'll come play with us.

It will be transformational!

1 comment:

Pat Owens said...

Need to know why blogging is beneficial to me...