

We've rearranged the schedule to allow people this week to catch up on their blogs. We will not post a new Thing until next Monday (February 16).

There will be one more catch up week down the line and then two weeks at the end of the program to allow you to finish up. We really do want you to be successful and complete the 23 Things.

If you are up to date PLEASE spend this time looking at the blogs others have put together for this project and commenting on them. People can always use a word of praise or a word of encouragement. This is a learning community. What you have to say is important and can inspire others to continue the journey. Please lend others a hand if you can.

I've been absolutely amazed at the wit, creativity, analysis, and positive feedback on some of these blogs. On others it is the willingness to try, to struggle, to step outside of the comfort zone that encourages me. What a beautiful spectacle the librarians of Florida make. I guess I always knew this, but when our work is displayed in one place is remarkable.

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